Friday, 28 October 2011


Line (L) GarisMultiline (Ml) double linePolyline (Pl) which could be in line (ext)Circle (C) CircleFillet (F) Making the radius at an angleChamfer (Cha) Make the angle on a rectangularArc (A) bowEllipse (El) Create EllipseRectangle (Rec) Create a rectanglePolygon (Pol) Circle Many SidesMove (M) Moving ObjectsCopy (Cp) Increase the ObjectArray (Ar) Increase the ObjectDivide (Div) reproduce the object from the command BlockBlock (B) Saving Objects to be called back / combining objects splitHatch (H) Make HatchingMirror (Mi) Increase Object (glass effect)Ellipse (EL) EllipseExtrude (Ext) meberi thickness of the objectErase (E) DeleteZoom (Z) Juxtapose ObjectsTrim (Tr) Cut Line The BersingguhanExplode (X) Splitting ObjectsBreak (Br) Cut the objectOffset (O) Replicating Object / OutlineExtend (Ex) Connecting LinesPedit (Pe) Combining the line to get in (ext)Region (Reg) Bringing together LeatherViewpoint Presets (Vp) Set Point of ViewRotate (R) Rotating ObjectsRotate3D (3D Rotate) Rotating 3-dimensional objects on view3dFace (3F) Make Objects To Closing in 3dUCS (UCS) The angle X, Y, ZScale (Sc) Increase or decrease the objectMultiline Text (Mt) Make a writtenDtext (Dt) Make a writtenText (Text) Creates aSubtract (Su) Splitting The interior of the 3dHide (Hi) hide lines in 3dUnion (EU) mengabungkan Yg touching objects in 3dDview (Dv) Seeing the finished objectRender (Rr) Gives the skin in a ready-made objects in 3dDistance (In) Measure objectsCalculator (Cal) function calculatorRevolve (Rev.) in a circle on the object without orders circleNew File (Ctrl + N) To open a new sheet in Auto CadOpen File (Ctrl + O)Turn off or turn on F3 OsnapStretch (S) To Decrease the object. Saratnya hold of the bottom right-click the object to the left of the object.Mirrtext (I) To meduplikaatkan object without having to make writing upside down. condition input numbers (0) enter.Mview (Mv) make an appearance on the screen layoutIncreasing fineness Facetres 3D solid (at most 10)Spline (Spl)Render Material (Rmat) Gives the skin at a particular object with the desired materialDimension Style Manager (D) Set DimensionGroping object (G) Make the unity of separate objectsOffset (O) Replicating Objects / copying objects accuratelyView (View)Auto Cad Text Window (F2) To display the command historySlice (Sl) Splitting 3 D objectsMake text Txtexp to be made in three dimensions / ExtrudeIntersect (In) The intersection of 3 Dimensional Objects Sectionplane Make Cuts in 3DMaking Edgesurf flag (Formerly add command 3dpoly)Surftab1 To change the number of lines on the flagSurftab2 To change the number of lines on the flagFlatshot To create 3-dimensional images into two-dimensional IsometricSolprof To create 3-dimensional images into two-dimensional Isometric%% U for writing underscore (underline) at the command TEXT%% P for the symbol ±%% D for the symbol ° CSolid To condense the two-dimensional objectsDDEDIT (ED) To edit the text on the dimensions\ P To make the text above and belowTo measure the long list of objects in 2D and 3DAudit: to improve the image automaticallyoverkill: to delete the line that overlapENTER F R: to enter the radius at an anglePurge: To improve the imageMassprop: To determine the volume of the room in 3-dimensional imageSweep: To follow part merevolfOverkill 3D ENTER: To remove the 3-dimensional objects that overlapSlice 2d: sl enter click on the object to be in the slice, click on help lines click enteList: to know the object extensiveFlatten: convert 3D to 2DTcircle: make a circle around the textTilemode: moved to layout modeSolprof: transform 3D into 2D (to see it go to hide all layers except the layer manager of PH or PV)Layoff: hide layers of selectedLayon: menempakkan all the layers

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